2.5 GHz Tribal Spectrum
You prioritized access to broadband connectivity in your community.
We Have The Infrastructure To Make It Happen.
Let’s Work Together To Serve Our Tribal Communities.
You Did it!
Southeast Alaska tribal lands are one step closer to reliable broadband connectivity!
2.5 GHz Secured
Congratulations Southeast Alaska Tribal Leaders! You secured 2.5 GHz spectrum on your tribal lands through the FCC’s Rural Tribal Priority Window. This is an essential step in bringing connectivity to your community.
2.5 GHz NOT Secured
If you are a tribal leader in a Southeast Alaska community and weren’t able to secure spectrum in your tribal lands, that’s okay! We have you covered!
2.5 GHz Spectrum
The Federal Communications Commission issued 2.5 GHz wireless spectrum licenses to Indian tribes in October 2020 through the FCC’s first-of-its-kind Rural Tribal Priority Window, free to tribes to help close the digital divide in tribal communities.
The cost to access the 2.5 GHz spectrum and the equipment required to offer connectivity infrastructure has outpriced commercial carriers from providing services in rural tribal areas.
Tidal Network is ready to implement connectivity infrastructure to bring broadband to unserved communities in Southeast Alaska.
Now Is Our Time
As the regional tribe in SE Alaska, Tlingit & Haida determined that all Southeast Alaska tribal Lands are unserved by Council Resolution and secured 2.5 GHz spectrum in tribal lands where spectrum hadn’t been secured.
Where other tribes secured their own 2.5 GHz Tribal Window licenses, Tlingit & Haida is ready to negotiate sub-licensing agreements for use of the spectrum to expand connectivity access throughout Southeast Alaska’s tribal communities.
Partner With Tlingit & Haida
The 2.5GHz spectrum license requires, per the FCC, building out a wireless broadband network to provide coverage to 50% of the residence in the geographic service area within four years and increase that coverage to 80% of the geographic service area within the first eight years of the initial license grant.
Tlingit & Haida is ready to negotiate sub-licensing agreements for use of the spectrum in Southeast Alaska tribal lands to expand connectivity access throughout Southeast Alaska’s tribal communities.
Tlingit & Haida designed this broadband program with both financial and operational sustainability in mind.
Federal grant funding is supporting capital and operating expenses to establish a fixed wireless program throughout the region.
Efforts are underway to construct broadband infrastructure in Southeast Alaska tribal communities through Tidal Network.
Broadband expansion is already underway through community partnerships in Wrangell, Sitka, and Kake!
The Future of Tribal Broadband
Tidal Network will provide access to a fixed wireless network of qualifying broadband services at or above Federal Communication Commission (FCC) broadband minimum of 25/3 Mbps download/upload speeds to unserved households, anchor institutions, and businesses, all within tribal lands service areas.
Tidal Network will implement and leverage the 2.5 GHz license secured by Tlingit & Haida through the FCC’s Tribal Broadband Window and will utilize other tribes’ 2.5 GHz licenses under a sub-licensing and usage agreement.
Tidal Network will utilize other wireless spectrum bands, including 3.5 GHz Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) to provide service where a 2.5 GHz license is not available.
Tidal Network will explore low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites for internet connectivity where towers are neither cost effective nor feasible in smaller communities without existing middle-mile infrastructure.